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Bora Pharmaceuticals Completes the Acquisition of Upsher-Smith

2022 Tennessee – Katie Vandenberg

Katie Vandenberg, PharmD
Pharmacy Owner
Tennessee Vaccination Services LLC

“I’ve always loved science and helping people. Pharmacy was a good fit for me,” said Katie, who founded Tennessee Vaccination Services (TNVAX) in her hometown of Franklin, Tennessee. After experiencing the frustration of “getting a child out of the house, waiting in line, and then sitting in a waiting area for an unknown amount of time” just to get a simple vaccination, Katie wondered, “Why can’t healthcare come to your home, like so many other services?” She founded TNVAX “to provide busy families an alternative” and has since expanded her vaccination services to groups including corporate offices, small businesses and mission trip organizers. Katie was recognized for providing pop-up COVID vaccination clinics to underserved communities across middle Tennessee. She credits the Tennessee Pharmacists Association and Tennessee Department of Health for enabling her to do so. “I had been having to wait months to be reimbursed for vaccination services. I was able to overcome these financial obstacles by working entirely off grants for the last year and a half.”



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